What to expect from coaching

Everyone has a different model of the world; we look through our own unique lens. Sometimes we veer off our souls’ route, and this can lead to unfulfillment, anxiety, depression, or apathy.

Remember, nothing is ever a failure, it is just feedback, and as we remember to go back and fit the pieces to our puzzle (that we may have unconsciously left behind), we start to feel whole again.

While taking on Holistic and Spiritual coaching you will need to surrender to control, and trust in the process. Initially this can be somewhat hard, as we will be working with NLP techniques, and tools and techniques, to shift your mindset. Gradually implementing a healthier inner dialogue for yourself, you will feel like you have been reborn.   

I have a limited number of spaces for working one to one with clients, so I can give you my full attention and energy. 

Initially I offer a free discovery call, to see if we are the right fit. Coaching brings about huge amounts of positive changes, and you need to fully trust and believe in what your coach is all about.


4 x 90-minute Zoom coaching calls over 6 weeks.

This package is for you, if you’re ready to dive in and explore at the deep end. You will discover your souls yearning, while experiencing inner and outer shifts.

With access to me via Voxer app, a way to text and voice message between sessions, I will be keeping you accountable and on the right track. I will share resources and books to help with your self-discovery.

You will leave with an action plan to continue the momentum that we will have created.


10 x 60-minute Zoom coaching calls over 3 months.

This package is for you, if you want to explore the depths of your soul, connecting to your innate intuition. You will absorb the positive changes gradually, along with integrating the whole of your being.

With access to me via Voxer app, a way to text and voice message between sessions, I will be keeping you accountable and on the right track. I will share resources and books to help with your self-discovery.

You will feel the benefits as your energy and drive will have shifted for the better.


3 month bi-weekly package

6 x 60-minute Zoom coaching calls over 3 months.

This package is for you, if you’re the type of person who needs a lot of space to absorb, this package gradually implements positive shifts, and you will notice a huge change in your energy.

With access to me via Voxer app, a way to text and voice message between sessions, I will be keeping you accountable and on the right track. I will share resources and books to help with your self-discovery.

You will feel more grounded and confident, whilst clarifying indecision. 

Please get in-touch for more information about
6 month and annual packages. 

Breathwork sessions

I will guide you to use your breath to transform and overcome any emotional blockages. By connecting deeply to your being and intuition, you will become more trusting and confident, you will feel energised and at peace. The universe/source/god is inside each one of us, you have the power to tap in and release your creative flow.

Held as 60 or 75 minute zoom calls

We will get to the bottom of emotional blockages, whilst opening your heart space and balancing the energy centres. By surrendering to the breath, and connecting to the felt sense, your intuition will become clear, as you breathe back in your home (your body.)
Rekindling to your life force, as you heal; you will gain back your personal, quiet and humble power. The world has always been your oyster.

1-1  Breathwork

Group  Breathwork

As we breathe together you will feel and tap into the love and support of the collective energy. Also shifting emotional blockages as you anchor to your own unique intuition; by riding the waves through each beautiful breath, you will heal and find exploratory lands. Opening you up to fresh possibilities and circulating the love to every cell in your body.

Working together side by side, you can rest assured I have your back completely, along with the universe. Here I hold a loving space, for you to transform from the inside out.

I will work with you to bring you back to a pure alignment, to find your voice again, while integrating a balance in each of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual systems.

I will nudge you to be daring, questioning and rebellious, to shake up the status quo, as you remember to come home to your free spirit. From this place, you will find all sorts of new opportunities and synchronicities, as the doors will start to open.

You will begin to embody the heart space, as I will guide different meditations and breathwork, along with emotional freedom techniques. We can set up action plans for you to get clarity on your wanted outcomes; this will clear up mind fog, and in-turn you will become more decisive.